Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A little bit of this and a little bit of that....

I guess its time I fill you in on where we are in the adoption process.  In December we received our packet in the mail with the pre- application.  We submitted fairly quickly and were approved shortly after.  Then on to the second and formal application......WOW!  I have never known so much paperwork.  Everything you can imagine went into this application.  We finally submitted that application after about a month or so of working on it.  Once it was approved we began our home study.  That is the part I was most anxious about.  Who really likes the idea of someone coming in your home and trying to figure out if you would be good parents or not?  Not me!!! I did a lot of research on expectations on both sides and it helped me relax some.  The main thing I learned is that they are coming in to your home and interviewing to prove you are good parents not so much to disprove.  Our social worker was from Ft.Worth so for our first out of two visits she came to our home.  As soon as she walked through the door, I relaxed.  She was super sweet and easy to talk to.  Thank you Lord! :) I really enjoyed our time visiting.  Jerrell did his individual interview on this day. After his interview was completed he texted me to let me know he had passed with flying colors and could he have wings for dinner. Ha!  Yes, he got his wings. :)

I met our social worker in Terrell at the Starbucks for my individual interview.  I was actually looking forward to this meeting.  After the interviewing was complete we visited and I had answers to my questions and felt even more comfortable and at peace for this whole process.  So our home study is complete.  The paperwork is not complete yet but I believe our part is.  Now the wait begins........

We are waiting to be contacted that they have a child that could possibly fit our family.  They will send us information on this child and then we have to accept or deny.  So I ask you to pray.  Pray for our sweet baby.  Our child could be born could have been born a few months ago, or maybe the sweet child hasn't even been born yet.  We do not know, but one thing I do know is our God is sovereign and that has to be enough.  It is enough.  He is enough.

I'm so thankful to have support.  I have appreciated all your comments and love to know you are praying. During all the waiting this process calls for, you guys will help us get through.  So thank you in advance.


  1. Man! I'm definitely praying! I know I'm a little late on reading this, but I'm still super excited!! :D love yall!!!
    --Ashley Pollard

  2. Will you e-mail me?


    alligoforth at hotmail dot com
